Friday, December 28, 2012

Trading Idea : ( Copper Short term Update )

Dear All,
                In our last update ...........we told you

We having bearish View  On copper .

Copper Short to Medium term ---Target --->>> 430---428 (Short term )/ below 400( Medium Term )

Long term Bearish --- Target --->>> Below 300.

We Might have completed wave 4 now will go down for wave 5 .

Kindly Chk charts...

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea:Natural Gas (Short term Update )

Dear All,
                     In our last post we told you that ....    .

We have following view on Ng

Ng --- Medium term : Bearish tgt ---- 155
Ng ---Short term : Bullish tgt --- 198---204

Ng is buy on dips ....

We might have completed  ab of abc up of wave 2or B and c has started now ..

kindly chk chart...

Thanks and regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea : Crude (Imp Update )

Dear All,
               We might have completed abc up of B or 2 Wave Now if Break and close below 4960 .....we will start Big C wave Down ........for target 4500.

Imp : Till 4960 hold on closing basis .........bulls still can go for 5090---5200 levels ....below 4960 close bears will take full control .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Trading Idea :Crude Oil ( Short term) Update

Dear All,
                  In our last post we told you we might go up for c wave up of abc up of B crude hit 5000 thats was our first target . Now what next .......

Crude long to Medium term : Bearish target --->>3000/1600 

Crude Short to very Short term : Bullish target ---->>5000----5200

Kindly chk charts ...

Long now trail with 4875 as trailing sl ...

We are might get reversal between 5000---5200 bulls  need to be cautious now ..

Kindly chk chart.

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Friday, December 21, 2012

Trading Idea : Copper ( Short term update )

Dear All,
                  In last post we told you we can short Copper between 445--448 levels with sl of 452 chk last update! seems to agree with our analysis .........Big C wave started in Copper down

We are sub dividing down in Big C wave .

Short to Long term : Bearish --- Targets --->>>> below 400(medium term) ---- below 300( Long term )

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea: Gold (Short term update )

Dear All,
                 Nothing much has change from last update bleeding as told in earlier updates...In our last update we told you that ......below close of 32200..........we will start Big C wave down ...       kindly chk our last update ,  we have started Big C wave down and it is sub dividing  ..........targets will be 29624---29000 levels in coming days ...... We suggest to hold short with trailing sl of 31300.

Short to Medium term : Bearish --- targets ---->>> 29624----29000

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea :Silver (Short term Update)

Dear All,

                   In update of 13 dec we told you that we can see Silver moving down if we break and close below 62000............downside targets were 59000---56000    u  can chk the post .........first target    .59000 achived completly yesterday what next ....

This is Big C wave down .......and in which 3 of c is going down which is most " distructive"...

we have fresh targets for this down move ....

Short to Medium term : Bearish ----Targets ---->>>>55810---52800

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Trading Idea : Silver (Short term update)

Dear All,
                 In our last update we told u that below 62000 we will see sell off in silver ..... seems to agree with our analysis and sold off badly .........

Big C wave down is sub dividing .......hold short with 62000 as trailing sl now for said targets .

Silver : Short to Medium term --- bearish  , Targets in short term --->>>59300----58800
 Medium term --->>>56000-- 53000.

Trading Idea : Gold (Short term update)

Dear All,
                   In our last update we told you that ......below close of 32200..........we will start Big C wave down ...       kindly chk our last update ,  we have started Big C wave down and it is sub dividing  ..........targets will be 29624---29000 levels in coming days ...... We suggest to hold short with trailing sl of 31600. 

Gold : Short to medium term Bearish 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trading Idea : (USD-JPY) Long term View

Dear All,
                 We might have completed abc down  that can be 1 or A wave Down ....if abc down is complete
we will now go for abc up for B or 2.

Can Buy at 83 with stoploss of 76 for target 106---113 in coming 6 months .

Kindly chk charts ....

Trading Idea : USD-CHF

Dear All,
                 We might have completed 1-5 wave down USD-CHF .......can go up in abc fashion ,
We can buy at .91800 target .95500/.96700 in coming days with stoploss of .91000 .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Friday, December 14, 2012

Trading Idea : Lead

Dear All,
                 We might close to a intermediate Top in lead .........

On last attempt to touch 129 can be seen ........else it sell on rally in lead now  .

Lead --- Short to Medium term : Bearish--- Target --->>> 100--80
Lead --- Long term Bearish --- Target ---->>> 65---50

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Trading Idea : Natural Gas ( Short term update )

Dear All,

Ng --- Medium term : Bearish tgt ---- 155
Ng ---Short term : Bullish tgt --- 198---204

We might have complted wave 1 or a down and can go for b wave of abc then will final go down for c wave .

Kindly chk charts

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea : Crude ( Short term update )

Dear All,

Crude long to Medium term : Bearish target --->>3000/1600 

Crude Short to very Short term : Bullish target ---->>5000----5200

we Might have completed b wave of abc up of B wave up can go for c wave up of B wave up .

please chk charts ...

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea :Silver ( Short term Update )

Dear All,
                  In last update we were bullish on silver in short term seems to agreed with our view and bounce back what next ...

I think we might have complete b wave up of Big C wave down .........trail your long with 62000 as sl on closing basis ..........below close of 62000 , Silver can target 59000----56000 .

Imp : Till 62000 holding on closing basis ......bulls have some more upside below 62000 it will be in hand of bears.

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea : Gold ( Short term update)

Dear All,
                   In last post we suggest to buy gold at 31000 levels for upside targets has done min ret required for b wave up of Big C wave down ..

Now what next ......

We will suggest to trail your long with 32200 on closing basis.........any close below 32200 will open gate for down side of Big c wave down .. for targets 30000----29500.

Imp: Till 32200 holding on closing basis bulls still have some upside left below 32200 close .........bears will have upper hand .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Trading Idea : Copper (Update 4)

Dear All,
                   In our last update we told you that Positional Trader can go short on Copper between 446--456 for target below 400 levels. let see how price action has unfolded ...

From 448 levels we have seen Copper has declined ....Copper made Spinning top on Weekly charts and held exactly at 70.7% ret ... more on charts below .

As per current price action ....Positional Trades can Short copper between 441--445 target 397 and more down side levels with stoploss of 452 .

Conservative Traders Short only below 440 with stoploss of 452 for targets 397 and below targets .

Short to Medium term : Bearish

Long term : Bearish

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Friday, December 7, 2012

Trading Idea : Silver ( Short term update)

Dear All,
                   Though we are bearish on Silver on Medium term ...........i sense a bullish move in short term ...targets are 63840----64300 .

I think we have completed wave 1 or a down of C wave down Now will go up for 2 or b wave up of C wave down 

 kindly chk charts.

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Contranian Trading Call !!!!

Dear All,
                    We are bearish on Copper ..........but would Like to take contra bet on Nickel .

This trade idea is for those who are High risk traders . We expect Nickel to touch 980---991 tgt in coming days with sl of 900 on closing basis ...can  buy between 931--910 .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Trading Idea : Gold Short term update

Dear All,
                 In our last post we told you that we are bearish on gold in Medium term .........i was just revisiting the Gold chart .....and i observe we might have conmpleted wave a or Wave 1 down of Wace C down ........and can go up for wave b or wave 2 up ...

This short term trade can be taken only by very high risk aggresive traders as Medium trend in Down in Gold .
Very High risk trader can go long between 31000---31150 target 31640---31890 stoploss 30900.

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea Gold (Update 1)

Dear All,
                   In last post we told you that we are bullish in short to very short term and Bearish in Medium term neglected our view completely in short term and was trending down  till now what next .

Though odd rally can come with sharp move ....we remain Bearish on Gold in medium term with targets mentions in following charts.

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea Copper(Update 3)

Dear All,
                      In last update we told you that we expect copper to hit 443---448 levels ......Copper almost hit 448 yst and we expect that B wave completed now .........and we should resume final C down.......word of cautioun  B waves often travel to extreme of A and some times goes above A to make Flat and expended Flat corrections be very cautious on trading short side on copper that what we are recommending ....

We expect copper to Top out in Short term between 446--456 levels ...... Any close below 440 levels will confirm Short term downtrend in copper ...those holding long can trail with 440 as closing sl .

Positional traders can short Copper between 446--456 target for target of 397 --378 in coming days with stoploss of 460 ...lets chk Some Charts too ..

Short to Medium Bearish --- Target : 397---378

Long term Bearsih ----Target below 300

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Trading Idea : Gold

Dear All,
                  Short to very Short term Bullish: Target --- 31900---32090
                  Medium term Bearish :  Target 30740----30300

Let chk some of the charts ..

It is quite clear in hourly charts that we have come down in 1-5 wave down expect abc up .in short term followed by 1-5 C wave down ....let chk some of charts .

Wave 3 was 261.8 of wave 1-2 .

Wave 4 was 23.6% of 1-3 .

Wave 5 was 61.8% of entire 1-3 .

Targets for this upmove  are 31900----32090 .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Trading Idea Copper (Update 2)

Dear All,

                       In last post we told you we were Bullish in short term , bearish in very short term and bearish in Long term .....let see how price action has unfolded.

Market complete prove us wrong in very short term scenario and Copper hit 435.80 levels what next lets analyze ...

Long term Bearish for 1-2 years  Target : 300 sub 300 levels

Short term Bullish Targets : 438---443--448 levels

Imp : Till 430 holding on closing basis more upside is possible hold your longs with trailing sl of 430 .

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra

Trading Idea Copper (Update 2)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Trading Idea Silver(Update 2)

Dear All,
                   In last update we told you that .......if silver trade below 61400 we can see Huge sell off ...but silver made low of 61510 and then bounce sharply and hit 63633 ........Now what next ..

This trade idea is based on assumption that we have completed Wave e of Wave B and now will go down for Big C ....and completed wave 1 or A down and Moving up for wave B or 2 ....Is still B up on or we can go down lets analyze the price action....

From Following charts its clear that trend is up till we hold 62900  ..........if we break and close  below 62900 than we can see huge sell off .

Aggresive trader can sell Now between 63600---63000 with stoploss of 64000 .

Conservative trader wait for close below 62900 and then go short ......

Imp : Till 62900 hold  more upside is possible.

For Live trading calls Kindly Send me mail to

Thanks & Regards
Abhay Mehrotra